How to get telegram verification code by email?

  1. What you will learn:

How to register for Telegram using email verification instead of a phone number.

How to enable email verification in the Telegram app.

Step-by-step instructions for requesting and receiving the verification code by email.

In the digital age, security is of utmost importance, especially when it comes to messaging apps. Telegram, one of the most popular messaging platforms, takes security seriously by implementing a verification code during the registration process. This code ensures that only authorized users have access to their accounts and prevents unauthorized access. However, what if you don’t have a phone number or prefer not to use it for verification? In this article, we will explore an alternative method to obtain your Telegram verification code by email.

Smartphone with Telegram app open

Registering for Telegram

Before we dive into the process of getting your verification code by email, let’s quickly go over the initial steps of registering for Telegram. First, you need to download the Telegram app on your device. It is available for both Android and iOS platforms and can be found in the respective app stores. Once downloaded, open the app and follow the prompts to sign up with your phone number.

Icons representing different verification methods (phone

Alternatives to Phone Number Verification

While registering with a phone number is the default method for Telegram verification, there are alternatives for users who may not have a phone number or prefer not to use it. One such alternative is email verification. By using your email address, you can receive the verification code directly in your inbox, allowing you to complete the registration process without the need for a phone number.

Lock icon with an email symbol

Benefits of Email Verification

Email verification offers several benefits over phone number verification. Firstly, it provides an additional layer of security for Telegram users. With email verification, even if someone manages to obtain your phone number, they still won’t be able to access your Telegram account without the verification code sent to your email. Secondly, email verification is convenient for users who don’t have a phone number or prefer not to share it for privacy reasons.

Steps to Request a Verification Code by Email

To request a verification code by email, follow these simple steps:

Open the Telegram app on your device.

Tap on the menu icon (usually represented by three horizontal lines) to access the app settings.

Scroll down and select “Privacy and Security.”

Under the “Two-Step Verification” section, tap on “Set Password” to secure your account with a password.

Once the password is set, go back to the “Privacy and Security” screen and tap on “Two-Step Verification.”

Toggle on the “Password Recovery” option.

Enter your email address in the provided field and tap on “Done.”

Step Action

1. Open the Telegram app on your device.

2. Tap on the menu icon to access the app settings.

3. Scroll down and select “Privacy and Security.”

4. Under the “Two-Step Verification” section, tap on “Set Password” to secure your account with a password.

5. Once the password is set, go back to the “Privacy and Security” screen and tap on “Two-Step Verification.”

6. Toggle on the “Password Recovery” option.

7. Enter your email address in the provided field and tap on “Done.”

Enabling Email Verification

Now that you have requested a verification code by email, it’s time to enable the email verification option in your Telegram app. This step ensures that the verification code will be sent to your email address whenever you need it.

Accessing Telegram App Settings

To enable email verification, follow these steps:

Open the Telegram app on your device.

Tap on the menu icon to access the app settings.

Scroll down and select “Privacy and Security.”

Enabling the Email Verification Option

Once you are in the “Privacy and Security” section, follow these steps:

Locate the “Two-Step Verification” option and tap on it.

Toggle on the “Email verification” option.

Enter your email address in the provided field.

Tap on “Done” to save the changes.

Entering Email Address

To ensure that you receive the verification code in your email inbox, it is important to enter your email address correctly in the Telegram app. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Open the Telegram app on your device.

Tap on the menu icon to access the app settings.

Scroll down and select “Privacy and Security.”

Locate the “Two-Step Verification” option and tap on it.

Toggle on the “Email verification” option.

Enter your email address in the provided field.

Tap on “Done” to save the changes.

Requesting and Receiving the Verification Code

Now that you have enabled email verification and entered your email address, it’s time to request and receive the verification code in your email inbox.

Steps to Request the Verification Code by Email

To request the verification code by email, follow these steps:

Open the Telegram app on your device.

Tap on the menu icon to access the app settings.

Scroll down and select “Privacy and Security.”

Locate the “Two-Step Verification” option and tap on it.

Tap on the “Resend Email” button.

Check your email inbox for the verification code.

Checking Email Inbox for the Verification Code

Once you have requested the verification code, it will be sent to the email address you provided. Follow these steps to check your email inbox for the verification code:

Open your email application or website.

Go to the inbox of the email address you used for Telegram.

Look for an email from Telegram with the subject line “Telegram Verification Code.”

Open the email and note down the verification code provided.

Checking Spam Folder for the Verification Code

If you don’t see the verification code in your inbox, it is possible that it may have been filtered into your spam folder. Here’s how you can check your spam folder:

Open your email application or website.

Go to the spam folder of the email address you used for Telegram.

Look for an email from Telegram with the subject line “Telegram Verification Code.”

If you find the email in the spam folder, mark it as “Not Spam” to ensure future emails from Telegram are delivered to your inbox.

Entering the Verification Code

Once you have received the verification code, it’s time to enter it in the Telegram app to complete the registration process. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Open the Telegram app on your device.

On the verification screen, enter the verification code you received in your email.

Tap on the “Next” button to proceed.

Congratulations! You have successfully entered the verification code and completed the registration process.

Person looking confused at their phone


While the process of obtaining and entering the verification code by email is usually straightforward, there may be instances where you encounter issues. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Common Issues with Not Receiving the Verification Code

If you don’t receive the verification code in your email inbox, try the following solutions:

Double-check that you entered your email address correctly in the Telegram app.

Check your spam folder for the verification code email.

Wait for a few minutes, as there may be a slight delay in email delivery.

Solutions for Entering the Verification Code Incorrectly

If you are having trouble entering the verification code correctly, consider the following solutions:

Double-check the code provided in the email and ensure that you enter it accurately.

If you are copying and pasting the code, make sure there are no extra spaces or characters included.

If you encounter an error message, try restarting the Telegram app and entering the code again.

Case Study: How Email Verification Made a Difference for Sarah

Sarah is a college student who recently moved to a new city for her studies. She was excited to explore her new surroundings and make new friends. One day, while scrolling through social media, she came across an advertisement for a local meetup group on Telegram. Intrigued by the activities and events they were organizing, Sarah decided to join.

However, Sarah encountered a problem when she tried to sign up for Telegram. As an international student, she didn’t have a local phone number yet. She felt frustrated, thinking she would miss out on the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.

That’s when Sarah discovered the email verification option on Telegram. She was relieved to find an alternative to phone number verification. She followed the steps outlined in the article to enable email verification on her Telegram app.

Once she entered her email address and requested the verification code, Sarah anxiously checked her inbox. To her surprise, the verification code arrived promptly. She quickly entered the code in the Telegram app and successfully registered for an account.

Thanks to the email verification option, Sarah was able to join the local meetup group on Telegram. She attended their events, made new friends, and even found a study group for her classes. Email verification made a difference in Sarah’s life by providing her with a way to connect and engage with her new community, despite not having a local phone number.

Sarah’s story highlights the benefits of email verification on Telegram. It ensures accessibility for users without a phone number and opens up opportunities for individuals like Sarah to connect with others and make the most out of the app’s features.

Benefits of Email Verification

Email verification offers several benefits to Telegram users, enhancing both security and accessibility.

Increased Security for Telegram Users

By enabling email verification, you add an extra layer of security to your Telegram account. Even if someone manages to obtain your phone number, they won’t be able to access your account without the verification code sent to your email. This ensures that your messages and personal information remain secure.

Accessibility for Users Without a Phone Number

Not everyone has a phone number or may prefer not to share it for privacy reasons. Email verification provides an alternative method for these users to register and use Telegram. It allows individuals without a phone number to enjoy the features and benefits of the platform without any limitations.


In conclusion, obtaining your Telegram verification code by email is a simple and convenient alternative to phone number verification. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily enable email verification, request the verification code, and enter it in the Telegram app to complete the registration process. Remember, the verification code is crucial for utilizing Telegram features and ensuring the security of your account. So, whether you don’t have a phone number or prefer not to use it, email verification is a reliable option that enhances your Telegram experience.


How can I get a Telegram verification code sent to my email?

You can get a Telegram verification code by selecting the option to receive it via email during the registration process.


What is the purpose of a Telegram verification code?

A Telegram verification code is used to verify your identity and ensure the security of your account.

How long does it take to receive a Telegram verification code by email?

Typically, you should receive the Telegram verification code in your email within a few seconds or minutes.

What if I don’t receive the Telegram verification code in my email?

If you don’t receive the verification code, make sure to check your spam folder. If it’s still not there, try resending it or contact Telegram support for assistance.

How do I enter the Telegram verification code received via email?

After receiving the verification code in your email, simply enter it into the designated field on the Telegram app or website.

Can I choose a different method to receive the Telegram verification code?

Yes, Telegram also provides options to receive the verification code,via SMS or phone call, in addition to email.

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