How to mount smb share on Android?

How to mount smb share on Android?
How to mount smb share on Android?


Sure, here are the steps on how to mount an SMB share on Android:

1. Install a file manager app that supports SMB connections. Many such apps are available in the Google Play Store, such as X-plore File Manager, Solid Explorer, and ES File Explorer.

2. Open the file manager app and tap on the “Network” or “LAN” tab.

3. Tap on the “Add Server” button.

4. Enter the following information:

    * Server name or IP address: The IP address of the computer or server hosting the SMB share.

    * Username: Your username for the SMB share.

    * Password: Your password for the SMB share.

5. Tap on the “Connect” button.

6. If the connection is successful, you will see the SMB share listed under the “Network” or “LAN” tab.

7. Tap on the SMB share to open it.

8. You can now browse the files in the SMB share and access them as if they were stored on your Android device.

Here are some additional tips for mounting SMB shares on Android:

* If you cannot connect to the SMB share, make sure that the computer or server hosting the SMB share is turned on and that the SMB service is running.

* If you cannot connect to the SMB share, try restarting your Android device and the computer or server hosting the SMB share.

* If you cannot connect to the SMB share, you may need to configure your firewall to allow connections to the SMB port.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

1. What is the app to access SMB shares on Android?

There are several apps available on Android that allow you to access SMB shares. One popular app is “Solid Explorer,” which provides a user-friendly interface and supports SMB/CIFS protocol for file sharing. Another widely used app is “X-plore File Manager,” which offers comprehensive file management features and SMB support. Both apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, providing a convenient way to access SMB shares on your Android device.

2. How do I mount an SMB file share?

To mount an SMB file share on your Android device, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Install a file manager app with SMB support, such as “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager.”

Step 2: Open the file manager app and navigate to the network or storage section.

Step 3: Tap the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.

Step 4: Choose the SMB protocol and enter the details, like the server IP address, username, and password.

Step 5: Save the settings and wait for the app to establish a connection to the SMB share.

Step 6: Once connected, you can access the SMB file share and its contents through the file manager app.

3. How do I mount a network drive on Android?

Mounting a network drive on Android involves similar steps as mounting an SMB file share. Here’s a general guide:

Step 1: Install a file manager app with network drive mounting capabilities, such as “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager.”

Step 2: Open the file manager app and go to the network or storage section.

Step 3: Tap the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.

Step 4: Select the appropriate protocol for the network drive (e.g., SMB/CIFS, NFS, FTP, etc.) and provide the necessary details, such as server IP address, credentials, and path to the network drive.

Step 5: Save the settings and wait for the app to establish a connection to the network drive.

Step 6: Once connected, you can access and manage the files and folders on the network drive through the file manager app.

4. How do I connect to Samba Share on Android?

You can use an app that supports SMB/CIFS protocol to connect to a Samba share on Android. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Install an app with SMB support, such as “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager.”

Step 2: Open the app and navigate to the network or storage section.

Step 3: Tap the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.

Step 4: Select the SMB protocol and enter the details, like the server IP address, username, and password.

Step 5: Save the settings and wait for the app to establish a connection to the Samba share.

Step 6: Once connected, you should be able to browse and access the files and folders on the Samba Share through the app.

5. How do I access SMB share?

To access an SMB share on Android, you can follow these steps using a file manager app like “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager”:

Step 1: Open the file manager app on your Android device.

Step 2: Navigate to the network or storage section.

Step 3: Tap the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.

Step 4: Select the SMB protocol and enter the details, like the server IP address, username, and password.

Step 5: Save the settings and wait for the app to establish a connection to the SMB share.

Step 6: Once the connection is established, you should see the SMB share in the file manager app’s interface. You can now browse the folders and access the files stored on the SMB share. Tap on the folders to open them and tap on the files to view or perform actions such as copying, moving, or deleting.

6. What is the tool we use to connect to SMB shares?

The tool commonly used to connect to SMB shares on various platforms, including Android, is a file manager app with SMB support. Examples of such apps are “Solid Explorer,” “X-plore File Manager,” and “ES File Explorer.” These apps provide a user-friendly interface that allows you to configure and establish connections to SMB shares by entering the necessary details like server IP address, username, and password. Once connected, these file manager apps enable you to navigate and manage files and folders on the SMB shares directly from your Android device.

7. How to add SMB to VLC Android?

To add SMB (Samba) support to VLC for Android, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Install VLC for Android from the Google Play Store if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Open the VLC app on your Android device.

Step 3: Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen to open the side menu.

Step 4: From the menu, select “Local Network.”

Step 5: Tap “SMB” to enable SMB (Samba) support.

Step 6: Enter the necessary details, such as server IP address, username, and password, to connect to the SMB share.

Step 7: Once connected, you should be able to browse and access the files and folders on the SMB share using VLC for Android.

8. How do I view SMB files?

To view SMB files on your Android device, you can use a file manager app with SMB support, such as “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager.” Here’s how:

Step 1: Install a file manager app that supports SMB, like “Solid Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager,” from the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Open the file manager app and navigate to the network or storage section.

Step 3: Tap the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.

Step 4: Select the SMB protocol and provide the details like the server IP address, username, and password.

Step 5: Save the settings and wait for the app to establish a connection to the SMB share.

Step 6: Once connected, you can browse the folders and tap on the files to view them. The file manager app will use the appropriate viewer or player installed on your Android device to open and display the SMB files.

9. What is an SMB app?

An SMB app is a mobile application that supports the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, also known as CIFS (Common Internet File System). These apps allow users to connect to and access shared files, folders, and resources on SMB-enabled servers or devices over a network.

SMB apps for Android, such as “Solid Explorer,” “X-plore File Manager,” and “ES File Explorer,” provide the functionality to establish connections to SMB shares, browse the file system, and perform file operations such as copying, moving, and deleting files on the SMB server. These apps typically require the user to input the server’s IP address, username, and password to establish a connection.

10. What is the difference between NFS and SMB in Android?

NFS (Network File System) and SMB (Server Message Block) are network protocols for file sharing in Android and other operating systems. Here are the key differences between NFS and SMB in Android:

1. Protocol and Compatibility:

NFS is primarily a protocol used by Unix-like operating systems for file sharing. It is designed for seamless integration with Unix-based systems and offers excellent compatibility between Linux and Unix-based clients and servers. On the other hand, SMB is a protocol developed by Microsoft for sharing files, printers, and other resources between Windows computers. SMB has broader compatibility, as it is supported not only by Windows systems but also by Linux, macOS, and Android.

2. Authentication and Security:

NFS traditionally relies on host-based authentication, where the client’s IP address grants or denies access to files and directories. This approach can be less secure, especially when clients have dynamic IP addresses. SMB, on the other hand, supports a more robust authentication mechanism, including username/password authentication and encryption, providing better security options.

3. Performance:

NFS is known for its high-performance capabilities, especially in a dedicated Unix-based network environment. It offers efficient file access and data transfer, making it suitable for scenarios where performance is a critical factor. SMB also performs well but is generally considered slower than NFS due to its additional overhead and complexity.

4. Windows Integration:

SMB seamlessly integrates with Windows-based systems, allowing easy file sharing and resource access within a Windows network. It supports file and printer sharing, access control lists (ACLs), and domain-based authentication. On the other hand, NFS requires additional configuration and software installation on Windows systems to enable NFS support, making it less straightforward for Windows integration.

5. File Locking and Caching:

SMB offers better support for file locking and caching mechanisms, which allow multiple users to access and modify files simultaneously without conflicts. This is particularly important in scenarios requiring collaborative work or concurrent file access. NFS also supports file locking and caching but may be less robust and efficient than SMB.

In summary, NFS is typically preferred in Unix-based environments due to its excellent compatibility and high performance. SMB, on the other hand, is the protocol of choice for Windows-based networks and offers better integration with Windows systems, advanced authentication options, and efficient file locking and caching mechanisms. Both protocols have their strengths and are widely used in different network environments. The choice between NFS and SMB depends on your Android network’s specific requirements and underlying systems.

Make mounted cifs/smb share visible for a normal user in Android-x86.

To make a mounted CIFS/SMB share visible for a normal user in Android-x86, you need to modify the file system configuration and grant appropriate permissions. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Root Access:

Ensure that your Android-x86 device is rooted to have administrative privileges. Root access is necessary to make system-level changes.

2. Mount the CIFS/SMB Share:

Mount the CIFS/SMB share to a directory in the Android-x86 file system. You can do this by using the `mount` command or modifying the `/etc/fstab` file to mount the share during system startup automatically.

For example, to mount an SMB share to the `/mnt/samba directory, you can use the following command:

mount -t cifs //server_ip/share_name /mnt/smb -o username=your_username,password=your_password

Ensure the share is successfully mounted and accessible as the root user before proceeding.

3. Modify File Permissions:

By default, the mounted share might have restricted permissions that only allow the root user to access it. To make it visible to a normal user, you must modify the file permissions accordingly.

Using a file manager app with root access, navigate to the mount point directory (`/mnt/samba in the example above) and modify the share’s permissions.

For example, you can use the following command to grant read and write permissions to all users:


chmod -R 777 /mnt/smb


Replace `/mnt/samba with the actual mount point of your CIFS/SMB share.

4. Verify Accessibility:

Once the permissions are modified, the mounted share should be visible and accessible to normal users on Android X86. You can test it by logging in as a normal user and navigating to the mount point directory using a file manager app.

Note: Keep in mind that modifying file system permissions carries security risks. Implement appropriate security measures, such as restricting access to sensitive data, using secure authentication methods, and regularly updating your system.

Following these steps, you can make a mounted CIFS/SMB share visible and accessible to normal users on Android X86.

How to mount a network drive so it’s accessible by another app’s file picker?

To mount a network drive on Android so it’s accessible by other apps’ file selectors, you can use the “Storage Access Framework” (SAF) feature available in Android. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Install a File Manager App with SAF Support:

Download and install a file manager app that supports the SAF feature and allows you to mount network drives. Some popular options include “Solid Explorer,” “FX File Explorer,” and “X-plore File Manager.” These apps provide a user-friendly interface for managing files and offer SAF integration.

2. Launch the File Manager App:

Open the file manager app you installed and navigate to the network or storage section.

3. Add a Network Location:

Look for an option to add a new network location or mount a network drive. It may be labeled differently depending on your file manager app.

4. Select the Network Protocol:

Choose the appropriate network protocol for your network drive. For SMB/CIFS shares, select the SMB protocol.

5. Enter Network Drive Details:

Enter the necessary details to connect to the network drive, such as the server IP address or hostname, username, password, and any additional settings required. Make sure to provide accurate information.

6. Save and Mount the Network Drive:

Save the settings and wait for the file manager app to connect to the network drive. Once the connection is established, the network drive should be mounted and accessible within the file manager app.

7. Access the Network Drive via Other Apps’ File Pickers:

To access the network drive through other apps’ file pickers, follow these steps:

   a. Open the file selection app you want to use, such as a text editor or image viewer app.

  b. Tap on the option to browse or select files. This action usually opens the system file picker.

  c. Look for an option to choose a location or browse files. Some apps may represent it by a folder icon or labeled as “Browse.”

   d. A list of available storage locations should appear. Look for the mounted network drive, usually identified by its name or the label you provided during the mounting process.

    e. Tap on the network drive to access its contents and select the desired file or folder.

Following these steps, you can mount a network drive on Android using a file manager app with SAF support and make it accessible through other apps’ file pickers. This allows you to easily access files stored on the network drive from various applications on your Android device.

The Complete Guide to Samba File Sharing on Android: Accessing and Mounting SMB Shares

Samba file sharing is a popular network protocol that allows seamless sharing of files and resources between different operating systems. With the right tools and techniques, you can easily access and mount SMB shares on your Android device, opening up a world of convenient file management and collaboration. This comprehensive guide will explore various aspects of Samba file sharing on Android, including accessing SMB shares, mounting network drives, and utilizing efficient SMB client apps. We’ve got you covered whether you need to access files from a remote server or set up your Android device as a Samba server.

1. Android Samba Client: Accessing and Managing SMB Shares

The first step in accessing SMB shares on Android is to use an efficient Samba client. There are several excellent apps available on the Google Play Store, such as “Solid Explorer,” “FX File Explorer,” and “X-plore File Manager.” These apps offer a user-friendly interface and robust support for connecting to SMB shares.

2. Mounting SMB Shares Without Root Access

In the past, mounting SMB shares on Android required root access. However, with the introduction of the Storage Access Framework (SAF), it is now possible to mount network drives without rooting your device. Apps like “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” support SAF and allow you to mount SMB shares directly from within the app.

3. Utilizing the Best SMB Client for Android

Choosing the right SMB client app is crucial for a smooth and efficient file-sharing experience. Consider user interface, performance, security features, and compatibility with your specific network environment. “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” are highly recommended due to their feature-rich nature and excellent SMB support.

4. Accessing SMB Shares on Android

To access SMB shares from your Android device:

  1. Open the chosen file manager app and navigate the network or storage section.
  2. Select the option to add a new network location or mount a network drive.
  3. Enter the necessary details, including the required server IP address, username, password, and additional settings.

Once connected, you can browse and manage the files and folders on the SMB share directly from your Android device.

5. Setting Up Your Android Device as a Samba Server

Dedicated apps are available if you want to turn your Android device into a Samba server, enabling you to share files with other devices on the same network. Apps like “SambaDroid” and “CifsManager” allow you to configure your Android device as a Samba server and share files with compatible devices.

6. Mounting Network Drives as Folders

In addition to accessing SMB shares, you can mount network drives as folders on your Android device for easy and direct access. Apps like “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” offer the functionality to mount network drives and treat them as regular folders within the file manager. This allows for seamless file management and integration with other apps on your Android device.

7. Managing SMB Files with an Android SMB File Manager

To efficiently manage files on SMB shares, using a dedicated Android SMB file manager is highly recommended. These file manager apps offer advanced features such as file organization, copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files on the SMB server. “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” excel in this area, providing a comprehensive set of file management tools for SMB shares.

With the help of powerful SMB client apps, mounting network drives without root access, and utilizing Android SMB file managers, accessing and managing SMB shares on your Android device has become incredibly convenient. Whether you need to access files from remote servers or set up your Android device as a Samba server, the tools and techniques discussed in this guide empower you to do so easily. By leveraging apps like “Solid Explorer,” “FX File Explorer,” or “X-plore File Manager,” you can seamlessly connect to SMB shares, browse their contents, and perform file operations directly from your Android device.

Gone are the days when rooting your device was necessary to mount network drives. With the Storage Access Framework (SAF) introduction, you can now mount SMB shares without rooting your Android device. This provides a hassle-free method of accessing network drives and enhances the security and stability of your system.

Choosing the best SMB client app for Android is essential to optimize your file-sharing experience. Consider factors like user interface, performance, security features, and compatibility with your network environment. “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” consistently stand out as top recommendations due to their rich features, reliable performance, and strong SMB support.

Accessing SMB shares on your Android device involves configuring the chosen file manager app to connect to the network location. By providing the necessary details, such as the server IP address, username, password, and any additional settings, you can establish a connection to the SMB share. Once connected, you can browse, manage, and transfer files seamlessly.

For users looking to transform their Android device into a Samba server, apps like “SambaDroid” and “CifsManager” offer the functionality to configure your device as a Samba server. This allows you to share files with other devices on the same network, enhancing collaboration and file accessibility.

In addition to accessing SMB shares, you can mount network drives as folders on your Android device. Apps like “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” allow mounting network drives, making them appear as regular folders within the file manager. This integration enables you to work with files on the network drive as if they were stored locally, streamlining your file management workflow.

To efficiently manage files on SMB shares, utilizing an Android SMB file manager is highly recommended. These specialized file manager apps offer advanced features tailored for SMB shares, including file organization, copying, moving, renaming, and deletion. “Solid Explorer” and “FX File Explorer” provide comprehensive file management tools, ensuring a seamless experience working with SMB files.

In conclusion, the Android platform offers robust capabilities for accessing and managing SMB shares. By leveraging the power of Samba client apps, mounting network drives without root access, and utilizing dedicated SMB file managers, you can unlock the full potential of SMB file sharing on your Android device. Whether you need to access files from remote servers or create your own Samba server, these tools and techniques empower you to accomplish your file-sharing goals efficiently and conveniently.

Technology has always been a passion of mine. I love learning about the latest gadgets and gizmos and how they can make our lives easier. I have been writing about technology for over 10 years and have seen the industry change and evolve over that time. I enjoy writing about the latest trends and how technology can be used to improve our lives.